Tuesday 5 January 2016

Amongst other things Christmas is a time for giving books, reading books, sharing stories and telling tall tales together by Rhian Ivory

Christmas is the best time for me as a reader because I can't write with three children, two dogs and a husband at home, never mind all the visits from family and friends.
This Christmas I have read a wide range of books to the children and also to myself. Instead of writing one review this month I thought I'd show you photos of all the beauties I have spent time with, some were Christmas presents (ok, a lot were Christmas presents) but some were old and worn and equally treasured, if not more.

All the books we've read between us over Christmas

Old and loved and worn copies we always reread at Christmas



Books we were bought and have yet to read.

Someone discovered Graphic Novels.

Books I was bought and am currently reading and loving.

The book that I am currently reading with the 8 and 11 year old.

It's a three chapter a night book, you have been warned.
The book that won't be put up the attic with the Christmas tree (photo bombing in the background) but will be kept out to read all year long.

And now my reading time is up and I need to go and edit my new book. I may be gone some time and I will be pulling this face a lot.





Penny Dolan said...

Thanks for this inviting list, Rhian, and good luck with the new book editing!

Anne Booth said...

All those books look great - and thank you so much for mentioning and having a picture of 'Refuge' amongst them!

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