Wednesday 27 March 2019

A Moon Girl Stole My Friend, by Rebecca Patterson, reviewed by Pippa Goodhart

Look at that cover. It shows so much about this story ... and that's not surprising, given that all the artwork as well as the text have been created by the same person, Rebecca Patterson.

Read the title, and we know the angst of a kind so many of us can relate to that we're going to meet inside.

Read the blurb mentioning robots, flying sweets and instant snow, and we know that we're in for some fun.

Then look at this picture -

Oh, yes! We spot the new popular girl, the infatuated once best friend of somebody else, and also that somebody else, Lyla who tells the story. We are definitely on her side!

This is a fast-moving fun story that taps into real emotions. It's not just the girls' problems with friendships. There's also a cranky old lady who has forgotten how to enjoy people.

But there's also the fun of the futuristic versions of children's own familiar lives, for example with a  wonderful school trip to a museum where they see such strange things from the past as zips and trainers.

And the story builds to a dramatic and heroic and very pleasing ending. Great stuff!

The story is about Year 6 age children, but aimed perhaps more at the years below that. Every spread is generously illustrated. It's a relatively short novel to read. I can imagine many slightly unsure young readers being converted into keen readers by this very rewarding book. I hope there will be more adventures about Lyla to come.


1 comment:

Penny Dolan said...

I'll look out for this, Pippa. I've become a primary school's Bookpenpal so I now have somewhere to send books when I've finished reading them. This title sounds ideal.

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